Fall babies don't really have a first Christmas worth mentioning. They are still in the larval stage and barely able to sit up, and some can't even roll over at that point. Pretty much, the first Christmas is a wash.
The second, however, is lots more fun.
I tried to honor my son's preferences and got him things that might seem strange to other people. I also made him some items (mentioned in earlier posts).
It was so worth it. Kiddo had this moment almost every gift where his brows would raise as he took in the sight of the new toy and then his face would glow with the sweetest smile. It was priceless.
The biggest winners for this were the three Christmas rubber duckies, a stuffed penguin, hand puppets, and yes, Mommy's baby doll.
In fact the baby doll was such a hit Kiddo actually cuddled it off and on the whole time it was in sight. He cuddled it right up to bed.
Folks, we may finally have a bedtime lovey!
He got a lot of really wonderful items besides the above. Blocks, books, puzzles, bath toys, music toys, and of course, plenty of really great clothes for both now and the next size up. It was so much more than we expected, we were overwhelmed, Kiddo included (He wasn't sure what to play with!).
It was a big day full of family time and fun exploring new, different things. The high point for me after the doll cuddle was when he leaned down in his daddy's arms to give great grandma a kiss goodnight. What a sweet boy! I couldn't imagine being blessed with a more wonderful son or more generous and gracious family. Thankfully we have days like Christmas to showcase such things.