Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sick But Sweet

The cold has made it's rounds. My brother and sister-in-law got it. Christian got it. Kiddo got it. And of course, now I have it. I slept for 5 hours before waking up with a totally stuffed nose. Needless to say, hours later, I was still awake and trying to clear my head.

This didn't bother Christian or Kiddo. Every time I blew my nose, they kept on snoozing. Eventually Kiddo wanted to nurse. We did and then he went back to sleep while I suffered being awake. And then as I sat in bed, propped by pillows, Kiddo rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. It didn't matter if I moved, played on my phone, or blew my nose. He stayed cuddled up to me.

I just love this sweet boy.

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