Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mini-update & How You Can Help

I am overwhelmed by the continued support from people from all areas of our lives. It has been amazing, and I can't thank you enough. Really.

A number of people have asked me what they can do to help us and I thought of a couple of things that would make a huge difference but really don't require much.

Here are two things that would really help us out that take very little time or money:
  1. Buy and read my latest book (it's about the cost of a latte). Rate and review it on Goodreads and Smashwords or wherever you like to review books. Talk about it to people who might be interested.
  2. Keep on the look out for mechanical jobs to forward our way (even if you're not sure we'd be interested, it certainly wouldn't hurt).
Normally I wouldn't ask because frankly, I feel uncomfortable doing that. I'm not the kind of person who asks for help like this. However because there have been so many people wondering and asking, I decided it made sense to offer this as an option. It's about as much as I feel comfortable offering to ask (If you really want to do more, you'll have to surprise me with it because I just can't bring myself to ask. It's not my way.).

As to the book... I know many people don't have ereaders yet, so if you don't, you could still read my book on your computer. I'm sorry about not having it in print yet, but that will take a little bit of time and money (which at the moment isn't possible to devote to publishing).

As a mini-update to our situation: We wrote some cover letters for the shops in the Bay and some in Santa Barbara. We put our loans on forbearance until we get the papers for the economic hardship deferment. Christian is calling a shop he used to work for in Hayward. We're planning on going through the arduous food stamp application process tonight (ironically close to the time we plan to go grocery shopping).

I had the worst Braxton Hicks contractions I've experienced last night. It took a while, but they did eventually go away. The experience made me a little nervous, considering I have no idea how our insurance coverage works right now. I really didn't want to have to go the hospital (and fortunately I didn't have to).

Thank you again for your support, love, and incredible kindness. I really can't thank you enough. I am humbled by this outpouring which seems to be unending. My sincere prayer is for everyone to feel this supported when their lives are turned upside down.

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