Monday, August 12, 2013

"Cleaning Floors Noah Style" or "The Boathouse Loft Flood"

Well...we thought the calamities had ended. We were wrong.

We finally got an adapter to attach our apartment washing machine hose to our kitchen sink. So we attached the hose and then set the drainage hose in the sink. Christian loaded up a load of my clothes, pressed start, and then went outside because his friend came with a part for his motorcycle. I was upstairs. I heard a clink. I wondered about it for a second, but then prego brain set in and I became distracted by articles about losing mucus plugs.

About 15 minutes later Christian came back inside and I hear him yell "Shit!"

The drainage hose had fallen out of the sink and instead of draining into the sink it drained all over the floor.

The result was inches of water cumulating in the southeast corner of our apartment (though some water was present all along the south half of our loft). This meant all the things under our stairs (our chief storage area) were soaked. The bottom of our pantry shelves were wet (not high enough to get our food thankfully). The feet of our couch were wet. Our vacuum cleaner which I'd had Christian bring down so I could clean the floor was sitting in gray water.

Needless to say, we put the hose back in the sink, Christian's friend took off and we began the labor-intensive process of cleaning up.

The hose fell out a second time, draining more water on to the floor. Christian was mad, but this time I was in the bathroom and didn't hear a thing.

It took an industrial ziptie to secure the thing (which has continued to work well through an entire second wash).

Well, to add insult to injury, the first load washed didn't even get washed well. Christian had put my clothes in, along with a very dirty dust rag. The result? My clothes had little pieces of funk all over them. I'm not sure he used the right water level, or if he did, then there's no way in hell dust rags should have gone in with anything other than similar items.

Needless to say I am pissed.

I drank the last of my water, had no way to refill it with filtered water (because of the washing machine hose). I am sweating and feeling overheated. My feet swelled the worst they'd been in weeks. Our downstairs is a complete mess (right after I vacuumed etc) and half the things on our first floor are either ruined or in desperate need of intervention.

The worst thing? I can't do anything about it because I was just told this morning to take things easy the rest of this week. After all, if you hadn't put 2 and 2 together, I've been losing my mucus plug for the past few days. I'm 36 weeks. This could mean nothing or it could mean I need to take things easy this week (so I don't end up going into labor...eek).

So yeah. I keep wanting to cry - which isn't the best idea seeing as I kind of don't have anything to drink. We drank the last of the juice this morning. This was not the best day.

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