Monday, April 28, 2014

Postpartum Fitness: Progress Report


I have yet to measure myself this week (if my measurements aren't completely embarrassing I may share)...but... Multiple people noticed and told me my jelly belly is smaller.Considering that I haven't really felt like I'm any smaller, this was really nice.

On the other hand, I have noticed the following exciting things:
  • I'm now wearing (comfortably if not exactly how they used to fit) my pre-pregnancy jeans along with some tops.
  • I have hamstrings. Noticeable hamstrings.
  • My quads are not only hard, but changing shape significantly.
  • My shoulders have indentations where before they were just round.
  • My arms flex noticeably without effort - there is clearly more tricep and bicep definition.
  • I see the shape of my hip bone started to be sculpted out of the jelly belly (very exciting!).
  • I also have indentations on the side of my hips as well as the small of my back.
  • My fingers have gotten a little boney again (my fingers have always been on the slender side but being able to comfortably wear certain rings again would be nice).
Some of these things haven't been seen for years. Others have never been seen. All of this is the result of logging my food and activity, working out 6 days a week, and caring for a giant baby.

To take it up a notch I've made some other small changes to continue to push myself in the right direction. Here are some random small things I've done to increase my activity and or help my overall health:
  • Substituting iced tea or mineral water for diet soda. 
  • Running/marching in place during commercial breaks while watching TV.
  • Having the changing area on a different floor from myself.
  • Allowing myself one co-nap with Kiddo.
  • Substituting sweets with things like greek yogurt or Nutella on multigrain bread. 
  • Doing hot feet or dancing while brushing my teeth.
  • Doing yoga, stretching, or meditation at night before bed.
  • Journaling, list-making, or goal visualization before bed.
  • Only wearing clothes that make me feel good and look good.
I can't stress how exciting it is to know other people are noticing my efforts to be more fit. It's especially nice considering I haven't drastically changed my eating habits (other than the above) basically because I'm afraid to jeopardize my milk supply.

That said, there are some things I know I still need to work on. From what I've noticed in my food/activity logging I could:
  1. Drink more water (I never seem to drink enough!).
  2. Substitute more simple carbs with complex ones (It's my biggest edible weakness.).
  3. Increase my steps by marching/jogging in place while writing (Some authors do it, why not me?).
  4. Eat more vegetables (duh!).
  5. Eat more whole fruit (duh, again!).
My biggest issue (and room for healthy growth) is probably points 4 and 5. When it comes to fruit and veggies, I get bored of the same raw things over and over. I need some good easy snacks that give me variety in both type of food and flavor (I also need lunches and breakfasts that include such things.). I feel like making that change would really help push my health and energy to a whole new level (get it?).

So, progress? Definitely. Is there further to go? You bet (including getting the hubby involved).

How is your postpartum fitness going? What milestones have you noticed? Leave a comment below!

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