Thursday, April 10, 2014

How to Workout With a Baby

Must lift weights! (wikipedia)
The baby is sleeping like a rock so I thought I'd take advantage of the time and pump out a few different posts that have been floating around my head. The first of course, is the one that you've been waiting for.

It's been a week and a half since I began working out in earnest. I'm using the Body Revolution program by Jillian Michaels.

I know. Whatever you have running through your head right now about Ms. Michaels, just...stop it. I know people have mixed feelings about her, and frankly I wasn't sure what to think. The reason I even chose the program in the first place was because of the time required and her reputation. The reason I came across it at all was because of the time of each workout.

30 minutes.

That's it.

Okay - trying to balance an overactive baby and my writing career while working out? 20-30 minutes is really all I have to spare. So, yes! I'll commit to that!

And to be fair, I like Jillian. She feels real to me and she gives explicit pointers on form, which is really helpful and atypical of workout DVDs in my experience.

Kiddo is going through separation anxiety these days (and now crawling), which means I had to figure out how to workout and get a shower when no one was around to help me. It's not always an ideal situation, but here's how it works:

  1. Kiddo goes in pack n' play and is immediately distracted by toys.
  2. I change into workout clothes.
  3. I begin workout.
  4. During workout I periodically interact with Kiddo (p.s. he's graduated to a capital letter...sue me).
  5. I make sure he's occupied, then I race to the bathroom and get the coldest speed shower ever (approximately 4 minutes long - including washing my crazy thick hair using all-in-one shampoo-conditioner). By the end of my shower, Kiddo is usually fussing in the pack n' play, but not always. Typically it is diaper changing time however... 
  6. So I spray myself with sunblock and speed dress while talking to Kiddo the entire time. 
  7. Then I change his diaper and nurse.
Less than 10 steps seems alright...the whole process takes less than an hour. And it is a process.

As to how it's changing my body? Well that's another post. :-)

1 comment:

  1. This sounds exactly like my daily routine with p90x3 + a six month old girl! I've posted a bit about my experiences on my blog if you are curious about p90x3 and/or want to start a dialogue with me about postpartum weight loss and trying to work out with a baby saboteur in tow!
