Friday, June 14, 2013

Third Trimester Aliens

I'm in my last week of my second trimester for one more day. Tomorrow I'll cross into the last few months of my pregnancy.

Not only am I huge (so obviously pregnant - get a load of that belly!), but kiddo is big enough that I can feel every little movement now.

I thought this baby was active before, but now I can't seem to do anything without a kick, jab, or poke from the inside. The hiccups that were once rare and easily ignorable have become unnerving spasms that last minutes and seem to happen several times a day.

The movement is pronounced enough that it can be seen from across the room. My belly actually shakes. There was one movement that was so big it actually shook the entire bed, startling both me and my poor cat.

The other night I put Christian's hand on my belly so he could feel all the little shifts and prods kiddo was giving me. It was so consistent and constant, Christian actually became unnerved.

More than ever I feel like I'm harboring a little alien life.

My body isn't supposed to move like that. I'm not supposed to be out of breath after going up the stairs or have to roll to my side before pushing myself up from a reclined position. I shouldn't be eating every two hours or making my second home in the toilet.

It's weird.

But it's also amazing...and terrifying, kind of like a Ridley Scott movie (just kidding - sort of). I'm just waiting for the last few weeks of pregnancy when kiddo can't move as much from lack of space. Maybe then I'll feel like kiddo is completely human.

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