Friday, June 7, 2013

I Will Be Raising An Alien

For anyone who has been pregnant, you know what I'm talking about. This is especially true when your kiddo is super active and reacts to every movement, word, and food stuff.

Some women compare their unborn children to parasites. Others call them peanuts, stinkers, peas, bees, nuggets, buns, bubs, bundles of joy, little ones...and the list goes on.

But really, let's be honest. Having something growing inside you is a bit Ridley Scott. If you're RH negative, you may have read some of the very "interesting" literature online about your ancestry, which makes you feel even more like you're carrying an alien around inside you (mmm yes, I'm a lizard lady. For reals!).

Maybe my jump to calling kiddo an alien is from my regular exposure to all things science fiction. Maybe it's a little weird. But so are kids. So is parenting (and so am I for that matter!). For this reason, I decided to title my prego/parenting blog thus.

So sit back and enjoy my journey into parenthood, with all my successes and missteps. May my posts be entertaining and illuminating to those who are already embattled parenting veterans and those who are sitting on their beds fantasizing about a little poop machine they can call their own. This is for all of you.

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