Friday, March 14, 2014

Surprise! Vintage Diseases Are Back!

There is a lot of concern in the world about "old-fashioned" diseases coming back. Some of this is because people are choosing not to vaccinate their children as well as more virulent strains developing. Recently there have been measles outbreaks in both Los Angeles and New York. While this is shameful, it's not the most surprising disease to return (Thanks crazy lying UK doctor for that vaccine-autism scare!).

One disease, not a virus or bacterium, that should never be seen in developed countries has returned. Rickets is back with a vengeance, particularly in the UK. This is REALLY crazy pants.

If you didn't know, rickets is the reason we have white people. Let me explain.

Humans need sunlight. Our body uses sunlight to synthesize vitamin D. We need vitamin D to use calcium efficiently. Without sunlight, we can't use calcium as well. As humans spread from Africa to northern latitudes, darker children grew sick. Their pigmentation prevented their bodies from getting as much sunlight and so they has less D and weaker bones. Children grew lighter. These children were less sick, but whenever humans went further north, the pigmentation was still too much. The further north people went, the lighter they got in order to be successful at synthesizing D.

This is how my father, husband, and son can all blind people with their super pale skin. We're Celtic and Gaulish. We're pasty.

While pasty people are more likely to avoid rickets, it's not guaranteed and it's certainly not all roses being so light. There are many things that are annoying about fair skin - more acne, more wrinkles, susceptibility to skin cancers... But one thing nice about fair skin is we pasty people can spend anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes a day (depending on latitude and time of year) and our bodies will make enough vitamin D. So if this is true, why would Brits (super white people, though immigration has changed demographics some) be getting rickets?

Vegans with sunblock.

Actually vegetarians are also to blame.

Vegan mothers don't get enough of the right bone growing nutrients in their diets during pregnancy. If they're breastfeeding that means their kids don't get a chance to recoup during their first few months of life. Now think of these ironically malnourished children being slathered with sunblock, which blocks the light that let's the body make vitamin D. It's a recipe for rickets.

I know a lot of people have strong opinions about vaccines that are opposite to mine. I think these people are willfully trying to kill or maim their children while putting people who have lower immunity or can't yet be vaccinated at risk (including my son, sooo thank you for putting my child at risk too!). But the idea that rickets is coming back because women are making silly diet choices is preposterous. What you do after you're done having children is one thing, but before and during your childbearing years you need to be responsible. In my personal opinion, I think women should not be vegetarian and certainly not vegan if they intend to have children especially in the near future.

There are so many nutrients that are easier to get and more fast acting from meat and dairy than other sources. If it's a question of ethics, buy locally sourced meat and dairy or raise your own. If someone can't have meat or dairy for some reason, or is just hyper committed to their veganism, that person needs to take a stupid amount of supplements to make up the lack.

Obviously I eat meat (I have to for iron reasons - and don't try to tell me about veggie sources. Some people need meat for the type of iron that can only be found in animal products.). I'm a huge fan of dairy. Kiddo and I are also pasty. The result? I have to wear sunblock. Kiddo has to wear sunblock. We both take Vitamin D supplements. My kid isn't getting Rickets and I'm going to have strong enough bones that I can carry him and swing him around if I want to.

No surprise vintage diseases here!

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