Monday, September 16, 2013

11 Changes With My 2 Week Old

Well, kiddo is 2 weeks old. I'm in a very different place than I was even a week ago. I feel like a lot has happened in even one week (this is going to become a regular thing for a while, I'm sure). Let's review last week's changes:

  1. I can now walk. Really. My tearing is well on its way to being healed. I'm even okay to do some light exercise (for which I am extremely grateful as I only lost 20 lbs since the birth and I'd like to begin working the rest off). That said, I am still using my Snoogle rolled up into a donut shape while sitting on the couch. Baby steps. *grin*
  2. Kiddo is displaying stupidly advanced development. He regularly holds his head up like a 2-3 month old and rolls over at least once a day now. He's tried to crawl twice - which thankfully is prevented by the fact that his upper body isn't anywhere near being able to support his weight.
  3. My swollen feet are no longer swollen! My arms aren't swollen. My legs aren't swollen! I actually look nearly normal (at least with my clothes on). Granted, there is that excess weight I'm harboring...and I still have fatter ankles than I did before getting pregnant, but I am transforming to something close to my former self.
  4. My hair has not fallen out yet. In fact, it's still stupidly thick...and I feel ambivalent about this.
  5. Kiddo has a case of newborn acne. It's not that bad, but it is kind of weird. It really kicked in within the last week. So far he's not displaying any signs of cradle cap, but I've read that can develop anywhere between 2 weeks and 3 months.
  6. Kiddo is increasingly more alert every day. He interacts with people in ways other than looking for food. He smiles in his sleep more and more. He listens to music and stories carefully and loves looking out the window of the car when he gets to go on rare rides.
  7. I'm starting to cherish alone time, even if it's just to brush my teeth or inspect my eyebrows. Having only 2 rooms makes it hard to feel like I get that requisite alone time. Nursing kiddo constantly makes it hard too.
  8. I've begun having more crying sessions. Maybe once a day. Generally at night. I think this is because my placenta capsules reach the end of their effectiveness sometime then...or because I'm exhausted...or both. Not really sure. All I know is time alone just sitting, a shower, or some writing is enough to set me back on the path of good mothering.
  9. The above said, I still could kiss kiddo all the time. Or stroke him. Or snuggle him. I just adore this little wriggling bundle. And if he's uncomfortable, it breaks my heart until I can make it better.
  10. Apparently kiddo stops crying as soon as he's in my arms. He calms down almost instantly, even if he's upset. He knows I'll do whatever I can to rectify the situation, and more often than not I do. I noticed this hardcore after his bath last night (which he did not like at all!). As soon as he was in my arms the wailing ceased. He didn't need to eat or anything. He just needed his mommy. The knowledge brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.
  11. Today kiddo actually started rooting (as though he wanted to eat) and crying as might happen when he's hungry. Christian brought him to me and he calmed immediately though he had no interest in eating whatsoever. He has already associated me with food, and the fact that behaving a certain way will get him to me. He must have heard my voice downstairs and wanted to be near me so he did the things he normally does to be given to his mommy. He lay alertly in my lap for a while before coming remotely close to his hunger cues.
Seeing the changes in myself and in him is a wonder. Every day I become better at doing my job. I feel more competent and capable. Every day he continues to learn and grow. He's already 9 lbs 13 oz and he'll only get bigger. He's alert so much more than even a week ago, and he's only going to become increasingly aware of his surroundings. It's wild. I love it.

1 comment:

  1. What joy you bring by writing thoughts and feelings about the center of your world (for now) Corwin!

    Love it, Grandma B.
